The Winners Cat 2

Cat Tails #3 October 14


Since the last newsletter in August, progress in deed has been made. As of 3rd October the payment has been completed and once all the papers signed etc, she will have new owners. So a voyaging here we come.

What’s next?

Over the next 6 weeks or so the previous owner has some work to complete and this will be soon done.
This includes repairs to the sails, some work on the bilge pumps, repairs to minor hull damage, and a few other items.

Also to have the mast re stepped as it’s off the boat at present.

In addition we will have quite a few things attended too as well. These as indicated before include new radar, new GPS systems, engine room and generator works and additional mast lighting etc.

Items of a cosmetic nature are not going to be attended too at this time.

So by the end of Nov we expect her to be ready to go back in the water.

Prout Publicity Image

Cruising Plans:

We have out lined some ideas earlier on. For now it’s mostly a case of getting her back in the water.

We are planning a transition cruise with the previous owner about Dec 10 – 12th and there after she will be in Titusville (Due East from Orlando).

At this point there will be added items to sort out and work through which we figure will take a week or so. Thence it’s a case of heading south either down the Inter Coastal Water (or out to sea) to arrive in the West Palm Beach area of Florida.

Once final matters attended to the head East to West End, Bahamas by or before New Year.

The next several weeks (month) is expected to be in the Bahamas, heading generally south wards.

If you would like to join us any time from mid Dec onwards, please advise soonest, so we can arrange it.

Look out for next Cat Tails early Dec.